If you've lived in Oklahoma for any period of time, then you probably know the State Fair song they play on the commercials every year. So, did you sing it when you read my title? Now, I can't get it out of my own head... ack!

That is where we went on Friday night. We had tickets to see High School Musical. I know, I have two boys, but you'd be surprised at the following of this show for the boys... even junior high boys love it! The boys loved watching it on ice. They both sang the songs and danced in their seats like it was nobody's business! I had more fun watching them (and the little 2 year old boy in front of me who simultaneously belted out the songs at the top of his lungs and pulled his sisters hair... at the same time, the whole show! It was hillarious!) than watching the show. I even had to giggle at Bryan a couple of times. He sat in his seat with this "why am I being subjected to this" look on his face.

Before & after the show, we did some activities at the fair. The boys got armbands and they hopped from ride to ride in the Lil' Partner land and

also on about a hundred different fun houses. They had alot of fun. Of course, Bryan & I had to get our fair must-haves while we were there... Bryan's cajun turkey leg & my fresh-squeezed lemonade. Yummo! I look forward to that every year. We also waited in the gigantic line and bought the famous cinammon rolls to eat for breakfast on Saturday morning. Note to self & others: eat them that same night while they are warm, fresh, and melty... much better!
You can't see their faces on the log-ride but that is them going down the slide. That was probably their favorite ride of them all.