... when school started back up? They went back on August 12th... on Kameron's birthday. It was such a big day for him. He was so excited to take cupcakes to share with his class... he felt like the 'big-dog' of the class! (even though he's the youngest one).
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Saturday, October 25, 2008
I wonder why...

Friday, October 17, 2008
4th of July... I know, it's October, already. :)

The boys love to play with the camera. I just had to post this picture that Kameron took earlier in the summer. He walked into the kitchen, said "mom & dad, say cheese!" so we did a quick pose & he snapped the picture! Notice, the upward angle, the blurry photo and the finger in the corner. All of those things are what make me love this picture.
I am going to put it at the top of my to-do list every day to get caught up on events over the summer. OK, so it can't go to the top of my list but I'll put it up there pretty high. Today, I am highlighting the fun we had on the 4th of July.
During the hot afternoon time, we had a picnic with my sister & her family and my mom & dad at the sprinkler park. The kids all had fun staying cool in the water while we all sat in the shade and roasted. :) It really wasn't TOO bad (97`)... we've had much hotter 4th of July's in the past. We set up tables & chairs, I brought KFC chicken & sides and my parent's brought the deliciously sweet watermelon. Fried chicken & watermelon... can't get much better than that! :)
Jakob and Anna brought horseshoes out to play.
After the picnic at the park, we went home for a little rest and to get out of the heat. Of course, Kaleb & Kameron are two active boys who don't know how to "rest". We bought some fireworks that would be easy to do at home. One of the boys down the street (his face is blurred because he's not my child so I don't feel comfortable with posting his pic on here) came down to have some fun. They had a blast with the smoke bombs. We also had blooming flowers, black cats, snakes, and whistlers.
In the early evening, we went to UCO for the Freedom Festival with Deanna's family and met up with Bryan's mom & dad to finish off the evening with more watermelon, hair & face painting, moon bounces, live bands, and of course fireworks!
This year's fireworks show is the BEST I have EVER seen. They were loud, flashy, SPECTACULAR! We had patriotic music playing, and I swear the show lasted 30+ minutes! The Grand Finale at the end took our breath away!