I was going through pictures today & came across some that I took last month of our pretty Bella. We got her back in January of this year as a tiny little puppy. She was so beautiful and sweet and cuddly. We fell in love with her immediately. She has grown quite a bit since then. She started out as a little bitty 6 pound cutie and she is now approximately 11-12 pounds. She is a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel and she just turned a year old on Nov 10th. I met 2 adult Cavaliers about 3 years ago and fell in love with them

and told Bryan at that time that I wanted one. They are very expensive dogs and so I figured I would never have one. Bryan never forgot, though. He was looking in the dog section one day and found an ad that had registered Cavaliers for sale at a very reasonable price. I am so happy we have her. She is so sweet & loveable. Although, she doesn't seem to like going pee pee outside... thank goodness we don't have carpet anymore! LOL! But, as you can tell by these pictures... she is spoiled ROTTEN! She is perched up on the couch pillow resting as only a sweet spoiled little princess would.
UPDATE on my surgery: Today is day 6 after my surgery and I am doing fine. I still don't have much energy and stay a good portion of the day with my legs propped up in the recliner. When I get up & move around too much, my legs swell up so much that it makes them hurt. I am wearing a compression garment to keep the swelling down and so that my skin doesn't stretch out from it... thank goodness or else my legs would be the size of an elephant! They already feel that way, though! My dad took me to my doctor's appointment on Monday for a follow-up and I got a thumbs up. My incisions all look good and look like they are healing well. Blood flow is really good in the area so we are hoping that I don't have any skin breakdown issues like I did with my tummy-tuck earlier in the year. I am ready for more movement in my legs so I can start to do more things. Well, the movement really isn't too bad... I still have a hard time picking my legs up to get in/out of the car. But, it's mostly the swelling that happens when I am up moving around. Each day will get better, though.
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