I'm a day late on posting my Monday Happenings. But, I'm still trying to get used to this whole "blog thing" LOL! Better late than never, right?
Weight: I had a terrible eating weekend and gained a couple of pounds. :( Here's to getting back to healthier eating this week. I am also focusing on getting into a good workout routine.
To-do: Continue daily bible reading... Currently in Leviticous. I was reading and answering chapter questions for my Economics class during swimm lessons, but they haven't had lessons since Wednesday. So, I really need to buckle down and get through chapters 2 & 3 this week. I desperately need to shop for a dresser. Ours is falling apart!
Monday 6/9/08: 4:30pm - workout; 6pm - Swim lessons - cancelled (thunderstorms) so we ended up staying at the YMCA for a members-only barbecue they were having. The boys had fun getting their face painted & chowing down on watermelon. :)
Tuesday 6/10/08: 3pm - workout; 6pm - Swim lessons; 8pm - baseball game; Bryan is handling the swim lessons & baseball game while I go with some coworkers to the Redhawks baseball game downtown.
Wednesday 6/11/08: 4:30pm - workout; 6pm - Swim lessons. I think we will all stay & swim afterwards for a little while.
Thursday 6/12/08: 4pm - workout; 6pm - Swim Lessons & baseball game... not sure which one we will go to. Probably swim lessons since he has MANY more baseball games to play in but only 2 more swim lessons.
Friday 6/13/08: 4pm - workout; 6pm - Swim Lessons (make-up for last Thursday's cancellation). Family game night (probably games on the Wii)
Saturday 6/14/08: Not a whole lot planned today... probably catching up on housework & laundry. We have a wedding to attend later this evening for my cousin, Sarah. I can't believe "little Sarah" is getting Married!
Sunday 6/15/08: 10am – Bryanserves at church; 1pm – I serve at church. Then, the usual Sunday stuff... laundry, bills, grocery shopping, etc.